Dick Watkins 2024
The Way We Live Now
Dedicated to Michael Hersch
20 June - 20 July
Dick Watkins is a man of solitude. He takes his own counsel and is not influenced by others. An avid reader, a lover of jazz, he has painted glorious work for over half a century.
One looks at these atypical works and many have a meaning in Watkins’ mind. ‘The Politician’ as a circus clown mimics the state of world politics today. ‘Folau’s Redemption’, a beautiful black and white abstract with Folau written in red in the corner. Watkins was disturbed that Folau was persecuted for voicing his beliefs. One may not agree with them, but free speech should be everyone’s right. ‘Sex Worker’ one of his most outstanding works in the last 20 years, the title sanitises the description of the oldest profession, Watkins is concerned that the modern day protocol is to “sugar coat”.
These paintings look like the hand of a thirty something, not an 87 year old. Vibrant colours from a great colourist and brush work that seems instantaneous. It looks easy but we know it’s not.
Dick Watkins is uncompromising, a man of few words, but he lets his work do the talking. Come and see and wonder at his passion.
James Erskine